
The RotoReformer will be the first ever Compact and Containerized large scale clean Blue hydrogen production unit releasing no emissions. It will be Modular and Scalable built in a factory serial production line.

The blue hydrogen process
"Blue hydrogen" is hydrogen produced from natural gas or methane using a process called steam methane reforming (SMR). This involves mixing natural gas with hot steam and a catalyst, resulting in a chemical reaction that produces hydrogen and carbon monoxide. In the WGS (water-gas shift) process, the CO converts into CO2 and more H2. The RotoReformer is unique because it can utilize electricity from renewables or a fuel cell to power its Heat Pump, generating the necessary heat. It also has a cold side to condense the CO2 into liquid form.

Traditional multi-step process

Traditional hydrogen production methods follow a multi-step process that includes converting Natural Gas to hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). This process involves burning methane for heating in the Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) process, which unfortunately leads to the additional production of CO2. Further steps such as the Water Gas Shift (WGS) reaction and liquefaction of CO2 are also necessary.

One of the major drawbacks of this traditional approach is the low energy efficiency. The overall energy output is typically less than 45% of the input fuel energy. This means that a significant amount of energy is lost during the production process, which is far from optimal in terms of resource utilization and sustainability.

To address these challenges, innovative technologies are emerging in the field of hydrogen production. These advancements aim to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and unlock new possibilities for a more sustainable and efficient hydrogen economy. By exploring alternative methods and embracing novel approaches, we can pave the way for a cleaner and more efficient future in hydrogen production.

Traditional multi-step process diagram
Principle from current technology: from fuel via clean Hydrogen to electricity (comparison). The electricity output is less than 45% of the input fuel energy.

Innovative single compact RotoReformer

The RotoReformer is a game-changer in hydrogen production, combining multiple steps into one compact device without the need for burning. Thanks to our advanced heating system (heat pump), it achieves twice the efficiency of the traditional process, by minimizing energy losses. This revolutionary technology produces clean, fuel-grade Blue Hydrogen from natural gas, using renewable electricity and water while simultaneously capturing and pre-processing liquid CO2 for permanent storage.

With the RotoReformer, you get four tasks performed by a single device, reducing maintenance downtime, CAPEX, and footprint. This streamlined design optimizes efficiency, making it a practical and cost-effective solution for hydrogen production. Experience the future of sustainable energy with the RotoReformer.

RotoReformer process diagram
Principle of the RotoReformer (RR) + Fuel Cell (FC): Balancing endothermic and exothermic reactions. Balancing water consumption and water release. The electricity output is more than 90% of the input fuel energy.

The RotoReformer clean blue hydrogen process

The process of steam methane reforming, which is used to produce hydrogen from natural gas or methane, generates CO2 emissions. To address this issue, our team of hydrogen experts is working on developing the RotorReformer - a high-pressure/temperature rotating steam methane reformer reactor with zero emissions. This cutting-edge technology can produce large quantities of clean fuel-grade hydrogen from natural gas on an industrial scale, while also capturing CO2 as a liquid without any greenhouse gas emissions

Schematic drawing of the RotoReformer
Schematic drawing of the RotoReformer; principle at rotation.

The RotoReformer boasts a ground-breaking hydrogen production process that occupies only a fraction of the space required by conventional steam methane reforming (SMR) processes, reducing the footprint by a remarkable 100 times. It also boasts an impressive efficiency of 80%, marking a 100% increase from the 40% efficiency rate of traditional SMR processes, and lowers energy consumption for SMR production by half. This technology addresses several challenges associated with alternative hydrogen production methods, as it eliminates the issue of dilute CO2 emissions and enables localized hydrogen production while simultaneously recovering concentrated CO2. Our enclosed reactor incorporates all four stages of the SMR process, unlike conventional SMR plants, which have larger footprints and more complex processes.

RotoReformer SMR process diagram
Enclosed reactor incorporates all four stages of the SMR process.

Smart logistics for flexible commissioning

Our technology is highly scalable and modular, allowing it to be easily adapted to meet various production needs. It can be used for both small and large-scale hydrogen production. Additionally, the technology is designed for convenient service, maintenance, and expansion.

Within the compact size of a pallet, the RotoReformer combined with a fuel-cell (FC) has the impressive capacity to produce 100kgH2/h from each individual rotor. This means that it can efficiently fill 500 Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) per day, on demand with minimal need of Hydrogen storage. Moreover, this versatile system also has the capability to charge battery electric vehicles, or deliver 3,5MW clean electricity to the community. Offering a comprehensive flexible solution within a small footprint.

It can also be integrated into different container sizes, ranging from the compact 10ft container to the standard 20ft and 40ft containers. This adaptability allows for easy transportation, installation, and deployment of the system in diverse locations. Whether it's a smaller-scale operation or a larger industrial setting, the RotoReformer can be efficiently housed within these container sizes, providing a convenient and scalable solution for hydrogen production.

RotoReformer SMR process diagram
Pallet size RotoReformer for fuel stations, with the capacity to efficiently fill 500 Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) per day.
10ft Container10ft Container20ft Container20ft Container40ft Container40ft Container
per day
12 ton24 ton48 ton
per year
4375 ton8750 ton17500 ton
CO2 captured per day66 ton132 ton264 ton
CO2 captured per year24062 ton48125 ton96250 ton
Energy in produced H220 MWH40 MWH80 MWH
Input electricity to heatpump1.4 MWH2.8 MWH5.6 MWH

The RotoReformer Enabling large-scale blue Hydrogen Strategy

The strategy protects the value of Natural Gas (NG) reserves for decades to come. It utilizes CO2 for enhanced gas recovery, which prolongs the production life and pushing more NG out of the reservoir. This approach creates a lasting and formidable competitive advantage for early adopters.

Additionally, the strategy plays a crucial role in solving global climate and greenhouse gas (GHG) challenges. By implementing CO2 capture and storage (CCS) at the source, it effectively addresses the issue. This strategy not only helps in preserving the environment but also saves the cost of future CO2 carbon tax.

Furthermore, it eliminates the need for building pipelines from the plant location for the transport and storage of CO2. Leveraging day-to-day technologies and processes well known to Oil and Gas Companies, the strategy efficiently achieves its objectives.

One of the key advantages of this approach is the permanent storage of CO2 in the NG reservoirs of known integrity and capacity. This avoids the need to find other suitable storage reservoirs, streamlining the overall process.

Moreover, the strategy significantly lowers investment cost (CAPEX) and operational cost (OPEX) compared to the current Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) method. This cost-effectiveness provides early adopters with a substantial competitive advantage.

Gas storage tanks

RotoReformer Project collaboration

Hyper Energy Australia Ltd established Reformer Australia Ltd in Sydney to bring the RotoReformer technology to the global market.

RotoReformer Australia LTD is in collaboration with world renowned specialist of Hydrogen, Sydney University Professor Francois Aguey-Zinsou and his company H2Potential, a Hydrogen advisory firm based in NSW. A PhD supervised by Prof Aguey-Zinsou is in place at Sydney University with the intent to initiate R&D in Australia.

Development has initially been supported and funded for two years by the Norwegian Research Council, due to the game changing nature of the technology and the experience of the Hyper Energy Team.

The initial research was carried out in collaboration with SINTEF (one of Europe's largest independent research organisations), who will verify the results. TECHNI in Norway assisting with mechanical, electronic, and industrial design. The remaining risks are related to the translation of the technology.


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